Machine Learning

The geometry of neural networks with piecewise linear activation functions.

The Real Tropical Geometry of Neural Networks

A ReLU neural network is an alternating composition of an affine linear function and the ReLU activation function \(max(0,x)\), where this function is applied to a vector coordinate-wise. Any such network is thus a piecewise-linear function, and, in fact, also the converse holds true: Any piecewise linear function can be expressed as a ReLU neural network. Tropial geometry may be thought of as the geomtry of piecewise-linear functions, and so it is natural to study such networks through the lense of tropical geometry. We focus on binary classification tasks: given a finite data set, we seek separate the data into two classes, depening on the sign of the value of the function which is reoresented by the network.

A special case of this setup is the classification by hyperplanes defined by a linear function, where points are classified depending on the side of the hyperplane they lie on. Ranging over all possible classifications of a fixed set of datapoints yields three equivalent combinatorial constructions:

  • The parameters of linear functions which induce the same classification form a chamber in a hyperplane arrangement
  • the hyperplane arrangement induces the normal fan of a zonotope, i.e., a Minkowski sum of 1-dimensional simplices
  • the possible classificatoins correspond to the maximal covectors of a realizable oriented matroid

In [BLM24] we characterize the analogues of these constructions when extending from linear to piecewise linear functions. This yields the following:

  • The parameters of piecewise linear functions form a polyhedral fan in an arrangement of “bent hyperplanes” (which are, in fact, positive tropicalizations of certain hypersurfaces)
  • the arrangement induces a normal fan of the activation polytope, which is a Minkowski sum of simplices
  • the possible classifications correspond to activation patterns, which are bipartite graphs resembling the covectors of oriented matroids and tropical oriented matroids.


Slides of Talks
19 March 2024   Combinatorial Coworkspace [Slides]
20 Febraury 2024   Applied Combinatorics, Algebra, Topology and Statistics Seminar    [Slides]
23 January 2023   MFO Workshop Discrete Geometry    [Slides]
6 November 2023   Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning [Slides]


  1. The Real Tropical Geometry of Neural Networks for Binary Classification with Georg Loho, and Guido Montúfar. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, September 2024. [abstract] [url] [bibtex]