



  1. Quotients of M-convex sets and M-convex functions with Georg Loho, and Ben Smith. 2024. [abstract] [arXiv]
  2. Decomposition Polyhedra of Piecewise Linear Functions with Moritz Grillo, and Christoph Hertrich. 2024. [abstract] [arXiv]
  3. Veronese polytopes: Extending the framework of cyclic polytopes with Roland Púček. 2024. [abstract] [arXiv]




  1. The Real Tropical Geometry of Neural Networks for Binary Classification with Georg Loho, and Guido Montúfar. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, September 2024. [abstract] [url] [bibtex]
  2. The Best Ways to Slice a Polytope with Jesús A. de Loera, and Chiara Meroni. Mathematics of Computation, 2024. [abstract] [doi] [arXiv] [supplementary material] [bibtex]
  3. Intersection Bodies of Polytopes: Translations and Convexity with Chiara Meroni. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, May 2024. [abstract] [doi] [bibtex]
  4. Combinatorics of Correlated Equilibria with Benjamin Hollering, and Irem Portakal. Experimental Mathematics, April 2024. [abstract] [doi] [supplementary material] [bibtex]


  1. Tropical Positivity and Determinantal Varieties with Georg Loho, and Rainer Sinn. Algebraic Combinatorics, 6(4):999–1040, August 2023. [abstract] [doi] [bibtex]
  2. Competitive equilibrium always exists for combinatorial auctions with graphical pricing schemes with Christian Haase, and Ngoc Mai Tran. La Matematica, 2:1–30, March 2023. [abstract] [doi] [bibtex]
  3. Multivariate volume, Ehrhart, and \(h^*\)-polynomials of polytropes with Sophia Elia, and Leon Zhang. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 114:209-230, January 2023. [abstract] [doi] [supplementary material] [bibtex]


  1. Extended Abstract: Competitive equilibrium always exists for combinatorial auctions with graphical pricing schemes with Christian Haase, and Ngoc Mai Tran. In: L. F. Tabera Alonso (ed.), Discrete Mathematics Days 2022, pp. 64–70, June 2022. [doi] [pdf] [bibtex]
  2. Intersection Bodies of Polytopes with Katalin Berlow, Chiara Meroni, and Isabelle Shankar. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 63(2):419–439, June 2022. [abstract] [doi] [supplementary material] [bibtex]


  1. Investigation of hydro-mechanical processes in fluid-saturated fractured rock based on numerical model generation with Nele Pollmann, Julia Gallas, Lucas Witte, and Tobias Backers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833(1):012107, August 2021. [abstract] [doi] [bibtex]




  1. PhD Thesis: Tropical Positivity and Semialgebraic Sets from Polytopes Advisor: Rainer Sinn, 2023. [url] [slides]


  1. Master Thesis: Competitive Equilibrium and Lattice Polytopes Advisor: Christian Haase, 2019. [abstract]


  1. Bachelor Thesis: A 4-Simple 4-Simplicial 8-Polytope Advisor: Günter M. Ziegler, 2016. [abstract]